This page is being developed at present to include more information about each person. Remember that while it is divided into areas. All of these supervisors are very happy to use Zoom/Skype/Whatsapp/Facetime to connect.
Charges/Fees vary considerably and are often on a sliding scale to make it more accessible, so they are not listed here – please ask about costs when you approach someone.
Click on link for their Name (where there is one) for more information..
North Island
- Jan Wallace jan.wallace@xtra.co.nz 09 238 7723 027 452 1366
- Vivian Coleman vfcoleman@outlook.com 027 275 8351
- Marilyn Welch marilynwelch@xtra.co.nz 027 287 0757
- Lucy Ngyuen Lucy_pembroke@hotmail.com 027 475 1746
- Suiva’aia Te’o sui.teo@xtra.co.nz 027 684 1573
South Island
- Atje Faber tuiglen23@xtra.co.nz 027 240 6302
- Richard Dyer richard@mightymessage.com 021 040 1679
- Barbara Harford barbh2019@gmail.com 03 548 1188 027 445 1293
- Miriam Martin mtmartin22@gmail.com 027 227 1664
- Kathy King kathy@livestransformed.co.nz 021 0222 7197
- Steve King steve@richmondnewlife.org.nz 027 827 9700
- Gerrie Mead gerriemead01@gmail.com 03 579 1336 027 303 0762
- Tim James counsellingforhope@gmail.com 0274468760
- Dianne MacDonald nursingsupervision@gmail.com 022 164 7280
- Martin Harrison kaikourarev@gmail.com 03 3195552 021 0300 694
- Steve King steve@enrich.church 027 827 9700
- Jane Wulff janewulff8@gmail.com 021541848
- Tim James counsellingforhope@gmail.com 03 548 8937 027446 8760
- Christine Macey christine.d.macey@gmail.com 03 366 6939 (answerphone) 021 0235 6833
- Glenda Prosser harmony@xtra.co.nz 021 180 3040 03 313 5083
- Margaret Harris gmharris.chch@gmail.com 027 755 6549
- Susan Gill 021 0231 524 susanfrancesgill@gmail.com
- Jenny Campbell jennycam@xtra.co.nz 027 351 1080
- Lee Kearon Dunedin lee.kearon@gmail.com 021 250 1060