Dianne MacDonald 022 164 7280nursingsupervision@gmail.comhttps://www.nurse.org.nz/supervisor-profiles,profile,3210.html Tena Koutou, Tena Koutou, Tena Koutou KatoaKo Riley toku maungaKo Okaramio toku awaI whanau ai ahau i WaiharakekeKo Michael Harris raua ko Jeanette Leslie oku matuaKo … [Read more...]
Miriam Martin, Nelson
Contact Miriam: I have been extensively involved in the volunteer sector, training as a Budget Advisor, working with Citizens Advice Bureau, and earlier, with School Committees and the Asthma Foundation. Since 2001, I have completed a Certificate in Counselling, a BA in Psychology, … [Read more...]
Vivian Coleman
Contact Details Cockle Bay AucklandPhone: 0272758351vfcoleman@outlook.comwww.godshapedlife.com Vivian Coleman, BSc, B Theol, MTS. M Bus, registered CAIRA supervisor for 14 years.. Presbyterian (retired minister in full standing), urrently serving in Baptist church These middle years are a … [Read more...]
Margaret Harris
My Approach to Spirituality and Life. I believe that all of life is sacred, and that God is longing to be discovered within every part of the human experience. My Approach to Supervision. My approach to supervision is that this is an intentional opportunity to uncover more grace, more life, … [Read more...]
Jenny Campbell – Mossburn
Contact Jenny: home 03 428 6398 mobile: 027 351 0180 jennycam@xtra.co.nz Jenny is open to skpye/zoomBased in Mossburn, Murihiku/SouthlandDenomination: Anglican I have a relaxed and open approach to all sorts of exploring around aspects of spiritual life as I am learning all the time. I … [Read more...]