Pukekohe, AucklandPhone 0274521366Jan.wallace@xtra.co.nz I am an ordained priest in the Anglican church and continue in stipendiary ministry. After my ordination almost 20 years ago, I was a non-stipendiary priest in the parish where I am now the vicar. I volunteered in this role while working … [Read more...]
Dianne MacDonald
Dianne MacDonald 022 164 7280nursingsupervision@gmail.comhttps://www.nurse.org.nz/supervisor-profiles,profile,3210.html Tena Koutou, Tena Koutou, Tena Koutou KatoaKo Riley toku maungaKo Okaramio toku awaI whanau ai ahau i WaiharakekeKo Michael Harris raua ko Jeanette Leslie oku matuaKo … [Read more...]
Miriam Martin, Nelson
Contact Miriam: I have been extensively involved in the volunteer sector, training as a Budget Advisor, working with Citizens Advice Bureau, and earlier, with School Committees and the Asthma Foundation. Since 2001, I have completed a Certificate in Counselling, a BA in Psychology, … [Read more...]
Nelson 2019 Caira Graduation
Address to those attending the Service for Graduates of Nelson CAIRA Supervision Training Course by Marilyn Welch National Coordinator of CAIRANZ Kia tau ki a koutou, te atawhai me te rangimarie o te AtuaGrace and peace to you from God. Who would have thought that 5 seemingly insignificant … [Read more...]
Tim James
Contact DetailsNelson East N.ZPh. 0274468760Skype: timrjames_3counsellingforhope@gmail.comhopecounsellingnelson.com I identify as a Catholic Christian. Spiritual view: We are all God’s children and are all worthy of God’s blessings. Supervision veiw: Supervision allows the sharing of … [Read more...]