News from Barbara Harford
Nelson Marlborough Region CAIRA Co-ordinator
The implementation of our Pilot Training Programme – how it all began and where we are up to.

During 2017, the Nelson Marlborough CAIRA Supervisors’ group became aware of several people from across the region enquiring about commencing training as CAIRA Supervisors. Exciting for us, but none of our people qualified as Trainers felt able to commit to the demanding role of Trainer for a period of 2+ years.
Then came the breakthrough! With a real sense of passion for the many positives from being involved in professional supervision, and seeing the need for more trained and licensed supervisors in our region, the team simply said “Together we can do this.”
Of course this involved much discussion, readiness to accommodate regional differences, encouragement from our National Director, Marilyn Welch, and reshaping of how this could be achieved, always building on the strengths and experience we share. With the approval and backing of the National Advisory Group (NAG), the Nelson Marlborough Pilot Training Programme was born.
Centred on the need to reshape the method of delivery to accommodate our potential trainer resource, a co-created leadership model was recognised as not only part of the CAIRA ethos, but for us, the only practical way to go. Now, almost two years on, we recognise the importance for the Trainers to work through a clear process of shared responsibility based on mutual trust and respect, effective communication, and always a readiness to adapt, learn and grow together.
As the second year of training is now well under way, we look forward to winding up to the Graduation Ceremony in December. We started training in February 2018 with eleven trainees drawn from across several Christian denominations, bringing together their varied and rich involvement in people-helping ministries and life experience. Now in August 2019 we still have on board the eleven trainees, each with a deep sense of commitment as they work through the final modules and assessment.
Quite simply, we are excited. Their Graduation ceremony will indeed celebrate an additional resource of professional supervisors, equipped and confident to offer the CAIRA Pastoral Supervision model across our region
My personal thanks and deep appreciation go to our Trainers’ team who took a step of faith for the provision of a valued serving ministry across our Diocese and beyond.
He iti, he pounamu
It may be small but it is precious.
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