I offer supervision online as well as in person
Presently accepting clients
Nelson - Marlborough Upper South Island

Supervision Training and Experience
I am Dianne I have lived in the Nelson Marlborough region most of my life, I am married to Bryce and we have a 10-year-old son, and a puppy. I enjoy many outdoor activities including gardening, walking and yoga.
I became a Registered Nurse (BN) in 2006 and completed my Post Grad Certificate in Supervision with NMIT & WINTEC in 2015, and my CAIRA training in 2020. My nursing back ground is in community nursing, specializing in Maori Health. I currently hold the position of Tapuhi Arahanga (Clinical Nurse Lead) at Te Piki Oranga and support a multidisciplinary team of twenty-nine.
I am also a member of the Te Piki Oranga Clinical Governance Board and Management Team. I work part time in this role and this compliments my supervision practice.
Approach to pastoral supervision
Tena Koutou, Tena Koutou, Tena Koutou Katoa
Ko Riley toku maunga
Ko Okaramio toku awa
I whanau ai ahau i Waiharakeke
Ko Michael Harris raua ko Jeanette Leslie oku matua
Ko Dianne MacDonald toku ingoa
Ko Bryce MacDonald toku hoa tane
Ko Quinn ta maua tamatane
Kei te noho matou ki Whakatu i Te Waipounamu
Tena koutou, tena tatou katoa
I am a catholic and have followed my faith all my life and I am involved in my faith community with my son. I am also a member of NZFCNA (New Zealand Faith community Nurse Association).
I offer supervision to those who work in the caring sector, I use many nursing skills to support guide and challenge my supervisees, and supervision frameworks to explore thoughts, ideas, situations and behaviour. I encourage supervision sessions to be supervisee lead, I will guide the conversation, encourage reflection and we will explore the learning. I ensure that supervision is a confidential space to discuss and gain clarity on issues, share successes, brainstorm, or discuss the thoughts that linger and continue to play over in your mind or trouble your heart.
My first meeting is free during this time we can discuss what you want from supervision and look at a contract so that all parties fully understand the goals and outcomes of our time together, and discuss payment. I am available face-to- face in Nelson or via, zoom, or phone. I believe that supervision has the best results when the supervisor and supervisee connect well, so give me a call and we can chat to see if we connect.