Seven new graduates received their certificates from National Director CAIRANZ, Rev’d Marilyn Welch on Saturday 10 April 2021 at a service from 2.00pm at the Greymouth United Church after completing the pilot, one year CAIRA pastoral supervision formational course – Samuel Blight, Joanna Lorimer, Patricia Hird, Lyn Heine, Sharryn McAuliffe, Watiri Maina, Robin Kingston – see their photo below
There was much rejoicing and thankfulness for the tenacity of not only the graduates from the Coast but also the Trainers from Nelson. They had travelled in all weathers to Greymouth to enable this local group to complete their study of the 20 interactive training modules. Now the graduates need to continue the practical supervision sessions to hone their skills before being fully licensed as a CAIRA supervisor.

Samuel Blight, Joanna Lorimer, Patricia Hird, Lyn Heine, Sharryn McAuliffe, Watiri Maina, Robin Kingston.

Facilitator of the West Coast Programme, Rev’d Barbara Harford, led the lighting of five candles to highlight the meaning of the CAIRA acronym as Collegiality, Accountability, Identity, Responsibility and Authority which accentuate the themes of study.
‘’I acknowledge the key mantra of the Nelson team who led the process on the Coast as ‘Together we can do it,’ she said. ‘’ It is very gratifying to see the graduates from this rural West Coast location, meaning there are more people here able to support others in ministry.’
Rev’d Marilyn Welch spoke about the value of CAIRA pastoral supervision for those involved in any aspect of ministry in faith communities as well as other pastoral and work situations.
‘’It is the calibre of these people on the Coast who have been responsible for their own learning both at and between sessions, as well as processing what they were hearing through their own journaling, which has seen them achieve this milestone,’’ she said. ‘’ They have shown their commitment in bringing pastoral supervision opportunities to the people in ministry on the Coast, which will be available once they complete their practical sessions and so become effective supervisors.’’
Bishop Steve Maina reflected on the Gospel passage, Jesus the True Vine, relating to the value of supervision with the vine image showing our connection to God and each other through the branches and fruit flourishing.
‘’ A supervisor is someone who can ask the hard questions such as, ‘how are you really in your heart’, along with exploring what it means to remain in Christ’s grace and rest in Him,’’ he said. ‘’He is the one who calls us to be impacting others through our lives, knowing about giving our best and that good enough, is good enough.’’
Friends and family who had gathered to celebrate with the graduates, shared in conversation over afternoon tea following the service.
CAIRA National Advisory Group National Director Rev’d Marilyn Welch speaks about the value of CAIRA at the West Coast graduation
Bishop Steve Maina preaching at Graduation, West Coast
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